
Member Services: Animal Friend

FIAPO’s Social Media desk in action in recognition of its proactive members in Surat: ANIMAL FRIEND

Animal Friend is an NGO based out Surat which works towards the betterment of Animals in their local area. Co-founded in 2014 by Sudhir Shah & Nirmal Patel, the organisation works actively to conduct awareness campaigns and regular Anti-Rabies Vaccination (ARV) drives in the city. They also have a shelter where they keep rescued and injured animals. They have been selflessly trying to bring change in the society to realize how important it is to respect the rights of animals and why they need us to help them in situations where they are helpless.

Animal Friend boasts of over 80 volunteers and is the only NGO in Surat that provides wheelchairs for street dogs with backbone issues.

In the month of March, the initiatives and efforts brought out by Animal Friend has been recognized and praised by FIAPO, Animal Friend was celebrated as part of FIAPO’s monthly initiative of Meet a Member.
