
In the social construct of our country, the cow is a revered animal. Despite enjoying such an important stature in the society, a large number of cows and other bovines across the country suffer from abuse, neglect and abandonment. The institution of Gaushalas (bovine animal shelters) has been our most prominent response to providing care and support for these neglected bovines.

FIAPO recognises that Gaushalas are the only hope for life-long care of bovine animals. We are committed to bridging the gap between an ideal Gaushala and the ones that are unable to provide adequate care to their animals.



Gaushala Samvardhan Campaign is FIAPO’s initiative to ensure ideal housing, veterinary care, feed and water, and sustainable management of Gaushalas.

To understand and systematically document the true condition of bovines in Gaushalas, FIAPO conducted an investigation in 13 states and 2 Union Territories and recorded the present standard of living for animals in these Gaushalas.


Gau Gaatha is the first comprehensive picture of the state of Gaushalas. It presents the findings of the investigation and forms the basis of the Gaushala Samvardhan campaign.


Key Findings

Through this campaign, we are appealing the central government for more support to Gaushalas in terms of funding, capacity-building, and initiating sustainable practices like gobar gas and use of cow urine based products.

The support measures should be followed by stricter implementation of the existing laws of animal welfare, along with mandatory guidelines for Gaushala management.

We need to urgently provide assistance to Gaushalas across the country, struggling to care for the animals with them. Please support this important work, and enable us to-

  • Conduct workshops with Gaushalas to help them adopt government guidelines and explore alternative cow economy.
  • Help to set up model Gaushalas which can be used as training centers.
  • Liaison with central and state governments to provide better support structures for Gaushalas and bovines.

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