
Improving Infrastructure and Services for Companion Animals

These grants fund the development of a single animal care facility, like an ABC centre, hospital or hospice for animals with special needs for up to 5 lakh rupees. The Grant’s intent is to assist NGOs in performing the services for which they have been established, by creating strong infrastructure and putting in place certain standard policies and protocols.

The funds are only meant for infrastructural changes, and do not include bearing any recurring expenses.

Eligibility Criteria

Anyone looking to build upon/ improve the infrastructure of their facilities and enhance the quality of life of their animals and efficiency of operations can apply for this grant. Minimum requirements include-

  1. Being a FIAPO member –apply here if you’re not one already!
  2. A full or at least part-time vet in employment by the organisation–If not currently present, then veterinary facility/services to be acquired before beginning work through the grant
  3. Adherence to FIAPO recommended minimal protocols and policies
Procedure to Apply 
For the grant to be given, one first has to complete the application procedure mentioned below, which involves a proposal summarising the scope of work, deliverables and budgets basis which an in-principle agreement will take place. Following this, a site visit will be made by a FIAPO representative only after which the grant will be confirmed. Once the grant has been confirmed the following will take place-
  1. Drawing up list of necessary interventions
  2. Budgeting of the interventions along with a timeline
  3. Both parties agree upon the budget, interventions and timeline
  4. Regular telephonic contact to ensure execution of interventions, along with a monthly report that could be oral or written
  5. Site visit to review mid-term progress
  6. Regular telephonic contact to ensure execution of interventions
  7. Site visit to ensure end of term progress

Other Grants

Disbursement of funds will happen on the basis of interventions completed, or may happen in quarterly transactions. However, disbursement will only happen for the bills that have been submitted irrespective of the grant amount.

The Companion Grants programme has been fulfilled for this year. We are currently not accepting any more applications for the same.

*Trustees, ambassadors or people associated with any management at FIAPO are not eligible for the grant. Preference shall be given to upcoming facilities in cities where they are limited in number to ensure the optimum utilisation of these funds.

Winners of Shelter grants

PFA Ghaziabad: P.F.A Ghaziabad is a charitable trust that has been doing self-less work towards the cause of animals for the past 17 years. P.F.A Ghaziabad aims to ensure the protection and rehabilitation of sick and abandoned animals. P.F.A Ghaziabad was formed to focus attention on issues involving the humane treatment of animals. The charitable trust is specifically dedicated to welfare of animals by providing practical care, highlighting the benefits of companionship between animals and people, and promoting responsibility towards animals in the community. P.F.A Ghaziabad has also been exposing and campaigning against animal abuse in all its forms. Rescued animals are taken to the shelter where they are fed and looked after well. P.F.A Ghaziabad takes in sick and distressed animals in shelter house which is located at village-Uncha Amirpur, near NTPC, Dadri. Here the animals are given treatment, food, shelter and most importantly oodles of love till they are rehabilitated.

Street Dog Watch, Kerala: Their mission is to promote harmony between the people and stray dogs of Kerala. Goals: Continue ABC/ARV programs, Continue to rescue, rehabilitate and re-home stray dogs, Educate local people about how to live in harmony with stray dogs. Current Work and activities (last 2 years): Year Sterilisations Adoptions Vaccinations Educational programs and rescues.