

Now all the vegan yogurt lovers in the city can have a blast at Cocoberry as the brand has collaborated with FIAPO and is to come out with vegan yogurt by the end of December! This is the first big victory of Corporate Outreach as FIAPO’s newest venture to end the suffering of farm animals. Cocoberry plans to start its experiment with vegan flavors on Friday, 17th November. The brand would blend soy, almond and coconut milk with mouth watering palates like chocolate, berries, vanilla and many more to come out with yummy vegan yogurt to relish on.

Cocoberry is great because the flavored yogurt it offers is a healthier alternative to ice-cream and is a guilt free indulgence! Cocoberry is not just a sweet dessert it is a nutritional dessert which helps in digestion and strengthen your immune system served- with a large variety of toppings, it is a healthy and light, any-time meal. It also contains probiotics cultures, which along with other ingredients offer a range of health benefits. Also, it offer customised smoothies as a healthy beverage option and parfaits which contain yogurt, real fruit & cereal, which makes it healthy and tasty meal.

Cocoberry crafts its products to meet the unique needs of customers, which other franchised brands fails to do. As it has been running its various stores since a lot longer than others, it has been able to understand the customer needs and also has the resources to develop products that best suit the customer health. Its most recent innovations include gluten free products, which was requested by women observing fasts during Navratri and Sugar Free yogurt.

Join us to thank Cocoberry and tell them how you are waiting with baited breath for the vegan yogurt to finally hit the stores by tagging the CEO (Aniket Walia) on Instagram @aniketwalia26 and posting requests and tagging on Facebook @cocoberryfrozenyogurt

Fruktville Delight

FIAPO has additional news for vegans in Delhi – Fruktville Delight, a new ice cream and dessert company located at Select City Walk, Saket has agreed to expand their vegan menu which now includes 7 vegan popsicles, 5 vegan gelatos and 5 vegan milk shakes. Strong proponents of cruelty free living, the CEO Manoj Sharma has also agreed to help us with getting other companies to try eggless and dairy free cooking.