
Brutal exploitation of animals for leather by the furniture, footwear, apparel and automobile industry happens in our country, as a result of which thousands of innocent animals die a horrible death every year.To put an end to this violent practice FIAPO has reached out to companies like- Puma, Bata, Allen Solly, HiDesign, Hyundai, Honda, Toyota, Mayuri International, Zuari furniture and many others urging them to end the use of animal leather and switch to using alternatives to start a range of cruelty-free products.

We want these companies to-

  • End the use of animal leather
  • Introduce a range of products made out of leather substitutes

The idea is to think beyond the conventional background that we have been brought up in to start viewing animals as non-living, readily available for exploitation of the most brutal kind.

Finding cruelty free clothing and accessories is not an unachievable thought anymore, there are various substitutes of animal skin that we can use to make apparel, bags, wallets, shoes, furniture, car décor and anything and everything for that matter!