
Living Free, initiated in the month of April, 2013, is the flagship programme of the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO) that aims to end the use of animals in food and clothing. The campaign reaches out to people with a variety of outreach methods to help people change their lifestyle habits that cause the least harm possible. Living Free envisions a paradigm shift in the consciousness of people about animals as sentient beings, who deserve the same right to freedom, liberty and bodily integrity as humans.

Living Free derives its uniqueness and strength out of the fact that it is run solely on the strength of local leaders and organisations who conduct workshops, seminars, a variety of street outreach ranging from leafleting to virtual reality and tabling events. The local leaders, organisations, with their wonderful group of activists are the backbone of the programme who disseminate knowledge to people about the livestock industry and help people make compassionate lifestyle choices.

Currently, grassroots activists across 65 cities in the country are a part of our network, making Living Free the largest vegan advocacy network in the country. We have reached out to over a million people since the inception. The programme is facilitated by regional coordinators from FIAPO, who build capacity in activists to become successful in their endeavours towards animal rights. To become a part of our golden network of gems (activists), write to us at livingfree@www.fiapo.in

Visit www.livingfree.fiapo.org to know more.