
Lockdown Reflections


By Varda Mehrotra, Executive Director, FIAPO

The COVID-19 pandemic has given us food for thought. For some of us, it offers respite and for many others, it has become unbearable. Being locked up isn’t something our species is accustomed to. As a result, the lockdown has taken a toll on our mental health. We haven’t socialized for over 2 months. Perhaps this is the perfect moment to spare a thought on the plight of animals who spend the entirety of their lifetime in captivity.

I have been reflecting this the whole time. Have my fellow Indians realised the propensity of their actions? Will they now empathise with animals in captivity? Will they support animal rights? Will they now treat street animals with care? Are humans reassessing and planning for a positive change in their behaviour toward animals? I am hopeful that the answer to these questions is an assertive yes!

Our media is playing a big role in ensuring that I remain hopeful. Between all the news about humans and COVID, there are reports about animal feeders and the plight of animals, and even more people turning all-plant-based. Unfortunately, not the same can be said of our Government- the Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate change has cleared several development projects in green zones and huge stimulus packages for dairy and fish farming.

There is a lot of uncertainty associated with the pandemic. I liken this the challenges faced by so many animals who don’t know where their next meal will come from. Those animals who relied on scraps from roadside eateries and handouts from passersby now are left high and dry. The hungry nursing street dog runs helter skelter to find food for herself so she can feed her pups. Thankfully, many organisations and individuals have taken initiative and are feeding the animals.

Ironically, it is the disconnect and distancing that has brought us together and has made a Federation even more relevant. There is power in numbers! This is the time to come together and stand in solidarity.

COVID is forcing us to radically rethink our relationship with nature. It is the time to come to terms with the fundamental truth- that this world is as much theirs as it is ours and that only together can we flourish.

The pandemic has been a wake-up call. For those of us who choose to be awake, I hope we will all forge a better relationship with nature.
