
You can register with us for Online Membership. 
Fill up the form below.

What are the main activities of your organization

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before signing the documents below.

Terms and Conditions

In signing this application form, I express my intention to serve as the delegate for my organisation to the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO) in order to strengthen the effectiveness of animal protection in India.

I have read the Federation’s “Mission Statement” and agree to it and I will attempt to ensure that all members of the organisation I represent will work in the spirit of agreement with the Federation’s Mission Statement.

I agree to not represent myself as an official spokesperson of the Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO) unless permitted to do so by the FIAPO Board of Trustees, and to endeavour to ensure all members of my organisation to do the same.

I understand that once accepted as a member, I and my organisation’s members are free to declare ourselves a member organisation of FIAPO in public forums of any kind.

I understand that the information provided in my application form will be made available to all FIAPO members.