
The collective efforts of the animal rights community have succeeded in stalling the live export of over 1 lakh sheep and goats from Nagpur!

While we celebrate this victory, let us not forget the thousands of animals that are being transported from the neighboring city of Nashik to UAE right now!

Horribly cruel and distressing, live animal transport leaves animals gasping for air, unable to reach food or water.

Cramped conditions, severe heat stress, and boggy pens are not new to live transport and the suffering that animals have to endure during this journey is unconscionable.

Many don’t even make it through.

Your voice can help save one lakh animals from a miserable journey to death!

Sign the petition asking the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri. Devendra Fadnavis to stop the live export of animals!

Sign The Declaration to Stop Live Export of Animals

I agree that animals are not commodities. The Maharashtra Commerce ministry is exporting goats and sheep to Sharjah from Nagpur and Nashik for slaughter! Let’s raise our voices to stop this cruelty by asking the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, Shri. Devendra Fadnavis to stop the live export of animals.


Shri Devendra Fadnavis
Chief Minister
State of Maharashtra

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you with reference to the live export of animals from different cities of Maharashtra, namely Nagpur and Nashik to UAE, found here: https://www.business-standard.com/article/news-cm/livestock-export-from-nagpur-airport-to-begin-this-month-118062600213_1.html. and here https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/nagpur/goat-export-nagpurs-loss-is-nashiks-gain/articleshow/64819461.cms

I believe that the live export of animals causes extreme cruelty, and should be stopped for the following reasons:
a. Dehydration and exhaustion due to insufficient food, water and rest; and other temperature-related problems
b. Extreme overcrowding and associated stress – this will lead to trampling and deaths of animals.
c. Compromise in the immunity systems of the animals due to long-term transit, leading to the spread of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
d. Live shipment of animals, only to be slaughtered inhumanely at the end of the journey.
Instead, I believe there are some humane alternatives to the project, which include the following :
e. Farmer subsidies
f. Waiver of loans
g. Techniques and support for improving crop productivity
h. Farmer-centric crop insurance
I urge you to take strong action against this and prevent the live export of animals to UAE. I look forward to your strong and prompt action on this matter.
Thank you.

%%your signature%%

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