
Putting Ideology into Practise

Putting Ideology into Practise

By Varda Mehrotra (Executive Director, FIAPO)

An ‘animal lover’ goes to the zoo because he/she wants to observe or photograph the animals that are held captive in those compounds. Perhaps our fascination is innocent and comes from a place of good intent. Of course we want to see a lion in real life. And we may want to swim with dolphins. It’s just not right to do that when the Lion and the Dolphin’s heart is broken and freedom is taken away. Because Zoos and Dolphinaria are not their natural habitats. Another example that has prime relevance in today’s date is -riding an elephant or going for an elephant ride/safari because you ‘love’ elephants.

Sure, the basic premise of admiration towards animals does exist. But, what’s missing is empathy, respect, and most importantly- awareness.

Awareness is missing, of the fact that any wild animal in captivity is not happy. The animal that you watch or photograph while he/she is confined to a compound, is away from their natural state, their natural habitat, and their “people”. There is data that proves this, there are scientific explanations to this belief. The elephant that you may ‘pet’ or ride at a safari or a petting zoo or even a temple, is not really an elephant, for they have lost their sense of self.

Respect takes absentia, because animals are reduced to mere show-pieces, and are commoditized. They are put on ticketed displays, and used to offer rides as a means of transport.

Empathy is missing from these scenarios, for while we enjoy looking at these animals, watching them, admiring them, photographing them, sketching them, writing about them, or perhaps even cuddling them, we forget to put ourselves in their shoes, we forget what it would be like to be ripped away from our homes, our loved ones, and our very own innate nature.

Most of us love talking about animals, but we must convert ideology into practice. Each time WE buy a ticket to zoo or an aquarium we are supporting an industry that is cruel and inhumane. And every time WE purchase an animal product- such as milk, meat, silk, or wool- we take away precious animal lives.

It is time to turn ideology into tangible actions, and you can do this today, by donating a warm blanket to help animals on the street endure harsh winter winds. By putting bird feeders and water bowls in balconies, terraces, and footpaths. By spreading awareness on the benefits of a plant based diet. By refusing to eat meat, drink milk, or consume any other animal product.

By standing up for the interests of animals.
