
Resqink Association for Wildlife Welfare (RAWW)-Mumbai

Resqink Association for Wildlife Welfare (RAWW) work for the protection and conservation of wildlife by spreading awareness and information about the need and importance of the same. The main aim for awareness is to reduce the Human-Wildlife conflict in the best possible way. They provide 24x7 service for any wildlife emergency and educate people regarding environmental conservation and its importance to lead a better life with the help of members and volunteers who wish to support and work for them. Pawan Sharma, who is the founder of this organisation came up with a new venture of educating children about wildlife protection and safety after seeing how every year, thousands of people are victims of snake bites and end up suffering due to the lack of knowledge of tackling such a situation.

In light of this issue, he aims to highlight the importance of environmental and wildlife conservation to children by approaching junior and senior schools for introducing an Environmental wing in the student's curriculum. They will be conducting seminars for the students talking about safety, care, and preservation of flora and fauna all free of cost. In these seminars, they will be highlighting the safety of students if and when they come in contact with a wild animal and the safety precautions are taken for handling the same. They will also be educating the students on the Do’s and Don’t if they or their loved one is the victim of a snake bite. FIAPO helped them in this venture of spreading awareness by drafting proposals, creating posts for social media, talking to the right authorities for other miscellaneous activities. This venture will not only spark the interest in students about the beauty and conservation of the environment and animals but also make them capable in dealing with a situation which children otherwise are unaware of in their school life.

We urge *you* to educate yourself about wildlife protection and safety and hope you do your bit in educating the same to your loved ones.
