
Animals are made to suffer and are cooked alive in harsh conditions of export of live animals. Constant movement, mental trauma, starvation, noise, harsh weather conditions, unfamiliar environment are only some of the realities of the live export of animals, by sea, air or land. These animals are treated as commodities and not as living beings who feel pain, suffering and breathe, just like us.  They feel pain and fear when they are crammed into containers, remain exhausted and can feel the anxiety that they will be slaughtered.

For many animals, the journey ends before reaching their destination due to the trauma, heat stroke, dehydration, injury, fatigue, and diseases they caught on their way there.  It is evident that the conditions of such export are cruel and illegal.  However, the profit from their trade is of more value than our care for their pain and suffering.

In our country, the law recognizes that it is the fundamental duty of every citizen and that of the state to protect and show compassion for the environment, wildlife, and all living creatures.

Exporting animals is not only unethical but also illegal, as these animals are subject to cruelty as defined by the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960, (PCA).  Export of live animals defeats the purpose of the Act which is to prevent unnecessary pain and suffering on animals. None of the export rules and procedures made by the government specify how the animals should be exported. They only mention the documentation needed for export, as if these were non-living commodities.

To put an end to this cruelty FIAPO has initiated the campaign to stop the export of live animals.

With your help, we can get the government and political leaders to take notice of the inherent cruelty in exporting live animals. We will not rest until this cruel and totally unnecessary practice is stopped.

We urge you to join us and appeal to the minister of commerce to stop the export of live animals from all ports, air terminals and road transport immediately.

Together, we can #StopLiveExport.


Thousands of animals that are being exported from different cities in India such as Marmugao Sea Port- Goa, Tuna Port-Kutch District, JSW Jaigarh Port- Maharashtra, Dighi Port-Mumbai, Ojhar Air Cargo-Nasik right now!

Cruel and distressing, live animal transport leaves animals in cramped conditions, severe heat stress, boggy pens, and absence of food and water. Many don’t even make it alive to the destination.

Your voice can help save millions of animals from a miserable journey to death!

Sign the petition asking the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Director General of Foreign Trade, Prime Minister of India to stop the live export of animals. We are also appealing state governments of Gujrat, Maharashtra, Goa, and Madhya Pradesh to stop live export form their states. Please join us to stop the cruel trade.


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